This amazing church conversion into a home presents a ton of modern and bold interior decorating ideas. Have a peak … Minus the five meter (!) ceilings and the beautiful arched doors, you could never tell this used to be a church. Although it is nice that the high ceilings and massive ached doors as well as some furniture and decor choices, like pews and medieval style candle holders, pay tribute to the origins of the space. When the history of a space is so special its nice to keep its essence alive somewhat. What stands out the most in this decorating scheme are the big, colorful and interesting art choices. Against a white backdrop, they really pop out and make a statement. When you really examine it, you notice how massive some of the pieces must be – but they must in order to maintain good proportion in the space. With five meter ceilings, a regular sized artwork would look lost and out of place. The furniture is mostly very modern in black and white and wooden choices – while all the color comes from decor, art and accessories. Just bold and striking.