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How to Decorate Your Home Using Books

Whether you are an active reader, own a large library in your home or you have a few books lying around. Using books as part of your décor is an excellent way to create a warm, chic look with simple items you already own. The key is getting creative and using books with different shades that will already add to your current décor. Here are a few tips on how to properly decorate your home using books.

Coffee Table Décor

Pair books on your coffee table with fresh flowers and/or candles for a romantic take that feels like home. This is also an excellent form of adding color and texture to the living room or any other space in the home. 

There is nothing quite like adding books to your coffee table. It not only adds color, but it adds visual appeal. The key is adding books with a purpose. For example, add colorful books to add color or add a stack of books to give your coffee table some height.

Pages as Wallpaper

The beauty of using book pages as wallpaper is you get to tell all the stories you couldn’t say directly on your walls. The idea comes from having the greatest love stories be apart of your home in a creative and unique way. Choose pages with bright images or colors for a unique classic touch. 

If you are looking to make a statement this is an excellent way to do so. Instead of adding a new wallpaper to your home add pages of your favorite book. You will be able to create a completely customize looking doing so.

Floor to Ceiling Bookshelves

This unique bookshelf will do the trick if you have an empty wall. Put together a large bookshelf to cover most of your wall for the best outcome. Choose books with multiple different hues to create a colorful moment in the space. Choose a white or black bookcase for a pop of color from the books. 

The best and easiest way to display your book collection is having them displayed on a bookshelf. However, if you want to take it a step further create a floor to ceiling bookshelf. This is a grand way and will cover up any areas that seem empty or plain in your home.

Color Coordinate

Color-coordinated books are great adding bold color in any room without taking crazy amounts of space. The idea is to use colors that work around the shades you already have. Work in colors that will brighten the room wil making the space appear larger and contemporary. 

Color-coordinating your books is perfect for adding color to your home. Not only will your looks appear organized and put together, but they will be easier to find in your collection of books. You want to lay them out in bold and bright combinations. The brighter the books the better they will appear in your collection.

Fill the Fireplace

Fill a fireplace up with books to brighten a room. The key is to bring colorful books so that the neutral room comes to life with the book colors from the books. Choose a large assortment of books so that the room appears brighter. Add colorful chairs or decor to the space for a pulled together look.

Whether you want to add a cozy touch to a fireplace that is no longer in use or you want to add more books to your décor, this is the way to do both. An unused fireplace is an excellent area to add a book tower or a few selected books.

Hallway Décor

If you have a long hallway and can’t figure out how to fill the space a large bookshelf is a way to go. It will take up space while still providing a beautiful view of hundreds of stories that flow together and will be there when you want to read them. 

Use bright and bold books and add them to your hallway table. You can add books to accentuate the décor you already have going on. Think of them as added pillars to the message you want to convey. Add a few to the table or even underneath the table.


Books in the closet are great! They expand the room and give it a charming versatility. There is something classic that comes from having books in a closet. This works exceptionally well if you have a walk-in closet. Fashion books work best in this space. 

Fashion books are great in the closet space. Not only do they bring inspiration, but they also serve as décor. Place them on shelves or even in a closet island for a chic look that brings fashion to the next level.

Wall Art

If you have a specific book that you have loved for a very long time, you might want to blow up the cover and frame it as part of your decor. This is an excellent DIY to have simple meaningful memories around the home. Use black and white or colorful images for the best outcome. 

Most book covers are artwork on their very own, so why not display them? The key is using book covers with the same color scheme. Doing so will bring a unison appeal to the décor while still being visually appealing as it is part of your décor.

Beyond the Living Room

Get creative and place books in different areas around the home. You can do this by creating a unique concept around the books. Place the concept in different areas of the home for a grander concept. Choose an open floor plan for your books for a contemporary appeal. 

Take your books beyond the living room and find creative places to add them in, such as your office, kitchen and even your bedroom. Laying them around the house will give the home that intellectual feel throughout. Place them in different orders for a messier appeal that’s quite charming.

Upcycle Them

Take your books and create something unique. Create something that means something specific to your home. You can add flowers or even create a picture frame from your books. The idea is to make a space feel and look like home with books that means something to you.

Instead of throwing them out think of unique and different ways to use them. Doing so will give you a creative touch while still using those beloved books that took you to another world for many years.  This is a great way to create something that will be cherished forever.

Decorating with books is a fun play on words, décor, and even DIY ideas. Which of these will you be incorporating into your home? Please let us know in the comments below.


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