Commanding kitchens from Stratocucine: the Eclettica, Non Plus Ultra, Kubista resemble modern sculpture for the kitchen. Strong, stripped down lines characterise the incredible kitchen design ideas – the look is at once forceful, yet so elegantly rendered. Each extraordinary piece, designed by Marco Gorini, is geometrical and weighty. Expansive, smooth surfaces appear hygienic and entirely usable – these kitchens are not simply for looking at! Each idea from Stratocucine seeks, in its own way, to re-define our concept of the kitchen. The Eclettica features a curved outer frame and a rotating inner sink area. Non Plus Ultra is made entirely from massive pieces of stainless steel that fit together like a giant puzzle. Finally, Kubista offers a surprising interplay of parallel pipes to delight and perplex. These unique kitchen ideas can be further investigated at Stratocucine’s website.