Pets- smaller creatures that come on this earth to show us, unconditional love, while eating away at our furniture or shedding all over it. While it’s a relatively small price to pay for having unconditional love perfectly paired with slobber, creating a space for your pet that will work with your personality, the square footage you have, and make your pet feel at home can be a bit challenging. However, while it might be challenging it is due able and we are here to share with you just how to create that pet-friendly space that is still personal to you.
Fur Resistant Upholstery

One of the very first things you want to do when it comes to creating a pet-friendly space is to remember that pets, whether you have a dog, cat, bunny, or even a hamster tend to shed. There is nothing quite as tedious than having to clean hair all day long from the couch or from an accent chair. Reason why when seeking the perfect upholstered furniture, you want to find something that has a fur resistant finish. Avoid velvet, corduroy, and any delicate material that will gather hair quickly. Consider tapestry, leather and even synthetic material that is smooth to the touch and any hair will slide right off.
No Wooden Furniture

Anyone who has owned a puppy, knows they’re quite inclined to chew on things, whether that is their toys, your toes, or the bottom of any wooden furniture you might have. Keeping that in mind, consider changing your wood furniture for ones with a metal finish. Doing so will instantly make your pet not want to chew on the new material that can’t crunch into it. Contemplate avoiding exposed wicker and rattan as they’re the easiest to chew through and even scratch.
Window Treatment

What pet doesn’t love sitting by the window, watching the fresh air, and waiting for their owners to get home? While we all know pets love to do this, some of us tend to forget and will slap on thick curtains that obstruct not only the light but the view as well. Furthermore, having thick curtains will create a thick window treatment that isn’t as charming as you want it to be. Use sheer curtains, that are lightweight and airy to ensure your small pet can see and get as much sunlight as possible.
Match Your Furniture

A vital aspect of creating a pet-friendly space is allowing your pet to have their very own throne in your kingdom. However, one mistake many pet owners make is getting their pet a sleeping area that is less than desirable. While you don’t want to go overboard with luxury for your pet you do want to give them as much of a similar vibe to your décor as you possibly can. Furthermore, it’s all about matching their space with yours. Their bed should seamlessly blend with the furniture you already have. Doing so will not only make them truly feel at home but it will ensure they want to spend as much time in their own throne as possible instead of laying on your sofa.
Create a Play Space

Though many of us love to see our pets run around and have a blast throughout the home, many know this can cause some disturbance in your décor. In order to avoid just that you want to create a designated space for your pet to have some fun. The key is finding an area that doesn’t have much furniture and where you can bring in fun bits that enhance your décor. Whether that is having a dog bed with an abundance of toys in it or bringing in a woven basket with fun bits ether one is a cute and charming way to give your pet their very own area.
Minimal Décor

I know, I know minimal décor isn’t for everyone but if you want to create a cozy space that is also charming for your pet going the minimal route is key. Think about it, minimal décor means less cleaning, less moving around and more space for your pet to roam around. Therefore, consider only having essential furniture pieces and bringing in accent bits here and there. Furthermore, you want to keep art pieces as elevated as possible just to ensure your pet can’t get their hands on it.
Spotless Kitchen

The kitchen is one of those areas you don’t exactly want them in, just because you’re dealing with food and essential items that will be consumed so you don’t want fur or hair on them. However, most of us do keep doggy bowls in the kitchen as it makes it easier for sweet darlings to drink and eat on their own time. Reason why you want to keep your dog bowls as chic and minimal as possible. Furthermore, you want to bring two bowls that resemble the décor you already have in the kitchen. It’s all about keeping the kitchen as spotless as possible throughout the day.
Consider Built-Ins

When in doubt, of how to properly create a space for your pet consider built-ins. Built-in furniture work great as they instantly give your pet their very own space that will always be there. Additionally, this is an excellent way of training your pet to always go to the same space when their tired, want to relax, or simply need some time for themselves. Whether you decide to create a built-in bed or a play space, this area should feel as personal to your pet as possible. Furthermore, a built-in area enables you to go as custom with it as possible.
Clean Flooring

Even if you don’t have carpet hair tends to stick to specific flooring including wood. Though this might be a surprise to many, natural wood tends to collect hair in abundance. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to do so, consider changing your floors to something ceramic, tiles, or laminated, any of these will easily clean up. While wood will be a bit more tedious to clean as sometimes you won’t be able to see the hair, tiles are a breeze to do so. Keep your flooring as minimal as possible in order to ensure the cleaning process is as minimal as possible.
Roll up the Rug

If you have been reading this guide and can’t find something to change to ensure your pet is as comfortable as possible, this is the easiest trick to do- roll up your rug. All lovers of all things décor love the idea of having an accent rug and allowing it to be the main focus of the room, but any pet lover knows rugs collect hair, are difficult to clean and your pet might just make it their bed. Nevertheless, one of the easiest ways to give the room a pet-friendly display is to roll up the rug and allow your flooring to be the spotlight of the room.
Are you a pet owner scrambling to find the perfect way to make your pet feel at home? If so, share with us the ways you have decorated and how you plan on keeping your home as personal to you as possible without missing a beat.