With the new year here and ready to be conquered it is time to take a dive into furniture trends for 2019. We don’t know what it is but there is something about the new year that makes us want to declutter, reorganize and upgrade the home. Keeping that in mind, we have done our research and bring you the top 2019 furniture trends to consider when you’re redecorating your home.
Vintage Touch

While we have been bringing you trends year after year, this year is a bit different because specific modern pieces are not on trend, instead this year we are taking a step back and are focusing on vintage, Yes! That is right for those that love a warmer, more traditional touch this is the year for it! Not only is vintage coming back on trend but adding character for that stark feel is here to stay.
Black Oak

Another trend that is coming forth strongly is black oak, while 2018 was all about white hues and crisp minimalism this year is all about creating a grounding effect and black oak does just that! It creates a warming effect without overshadowing any other pieces. Therefore, having a black oak accent creates a beautiful warming effect in any room.
Grand Headboards

Keeping the theme of personal and character emphasizing, grand headboards make an entrance yet again. The idea is to have your bed make a big boom without taking away from the décor you already have. This also entitles grand headboards in bold colors and textures.
Blush, Please

Blush tones are here to stay yet again! Think of blush as the new and upgraded neutral hue. It works well with multiple richer tones and it doesn’t take away from your décor. In fact, blush tones are great when you want to blend multiple shades together.
Geometric Patterns

This year we are moving away from structured pieces of art and we are bringing in lose finished pieces with geometric bits that have a unique feel to them. The key here is using geometric patterns that bring color in the room yet will workflow well anywhere in the home.
Curved Pieces

As stated previously, 2019 is bringing us a cozy feel; therefore, it only makes sense to have furniture pieces that are curved in the décor. The entire piece does not need to be curved but you do need to lay it in a curved manner for a beautiful pairing.
Go Custom

We are moving away from minimal pieces and we are moving towards custom elements that bring texture and uniqueness. Consider designing your own furniture piece or constructing a new piece with your partner.
Natural Elements

This year we are becoming fascinated with natural elements that add a touch of character to a room. Think about marble, natural stones, quartzite or even crystal and pair them with a simple piece in order to them these elements feel more settled into the room.
Multifunctional Pieces

Décor is becoming more about being functional then personal, having multifunctional pieces allows you to work in less furniture but with a grander purpose. The idea is to use 2-3 pieces that help make the space larger yet work for numerous things.
Daring and Bold

Last but certainly not least, going bold with your color and furniture is not going anywhere. Daring and bold bits are here to stay, and we are extremely happy. Color is becoming part of the main décor and pattern is the new focus.
To conclude, 2019 is bringing a new yet traditional spin on décor and we are absolutely loving it. What trend are you excited about this year? Share with us in the comments below.